A Summer of Gratitude

Life has seemingly returned to its normal “million miles an hour” fast pace, and with that have come some pros and cons.


  1. We get to see each other in person again! Oh how we missed seeing and hugging our dear friends and family and clients face to face. The intimacy of spending time in the presence of other living, breathing beings is something that Zoom will never be able to capture.

  2. Travel! We love exploring this beautiful earth, and we love welcoming those who are adventuring in our mountain town. If you’re visiting us this summer be sure to explore our Summer rituals here - they are sweet summer experiences you don’t want to miss.

  3. Eating out. We are able to have a fun time while supporting local businesses. Who doesn’t love the atmosphere of a cafe sit or a candle lit dinner by the lake? We are so thrilled to have these experiences back in our reach.


  1. Navigating the return has had its challenges, especially for those who weren’t so keen on “returning to normal.” The amount of social anxiety that stemmed from nearly two years of shut down, plus financial hardship for some, tragedy in so many ways for others, has shown its effects. Supporting each other through our earthly experiences has never become more important than now.

  2. It’s easy to miss the good when there’s so much seemingly “bad” surrounding us constantly. With the return of fast pace, beautiful self-care practices have been shelved again by many, when now, more than ever, is when those practices are the life-giving sources we need to be pulling from to stay anchored in a life of presence and peace.

  3. During shut down we spent so much of our energy on re-gaining the things we had lost - connection, community, social interactions, time with family. With the return of normal we have begun to take for granted what it is to have those things we cherish so easily again. It’s important to slow down and give our energy to what fuels our hearts even when life seems to speeding up.

The beauty in all of the pros and cons of this immense transition is it offers us a chance to practice gratitude in all things.

Gratitude in the yesterday, the now, and the tomorrow.

Gratitude in the hellos and goodbyes.

Gratitude in the morning kisses and good night hugs.

Gratitude in the moments of tears, laughter, sorrow and smiles.

Gratitude in the quiet nights in and the bright nights out.

Gratitude in the slow weekends and busy weeks.

Gratitude in both the simple moments and the more exciting ones.

Gratitude in the new experiences and old.

Gratitude in the every day mundane.

Gratitude in the bouquet of flowers and the weeds in the garden.

Gratitude in the smells of fresh brewed coffee at home and at a sweet cafe.

Gratitude in the long days and short visits.

Gratitude in the chores and the jobs.

Gratitude in the special meals out and the quick dinners in.

Gratitude in the date nights and the busy nights.

Gratitude surrounds us if we allow it. It is quite literally everywhere.

We hope you can slow down this season and take it all in. Because it is now or never. Let’s never take the simple things for granted again.

Christina Frazier