Spring has Sprung

The season of renewal has bloomed beautifully in the Adirondacks this year, as have our renowned Spring rituals.

Seasonal and bright, our Citrus Bliss Spring Ritual features scents of wild orange peel, lemon, bergamot and vanilla bean. A Dead Sea Salt Scrub with fresh orange and lemon zest will add a little zing to uplift your spirits before your Kneipp calendula soak, enhanced by our signature botanicals. While soaking, you will experience our divine scalp treatment before a lower leg and foot massage. The finishing touch is a calendula and orange foot care repair butter to leave your soul and soles soft and feeling energized.

Meanwhile, our Mud Season ritual will transport you through the scent of one our seasonal essential blends toward a mineral rich Moor Mud Mask. A Kneipp Lemon Balm soak infused with rose buds and paired with a divine scalp treatment will relax and refresh your mind and body. Your lower leg and foot massage will wrap with a geranium paraffin foot treatment and a rose water mist … perfection.

But that’s not all this year’s Spring brings. There is a new sense of importance for caring for ourselves in the air. After the past couple of years we’ve all faced, it’s no wonder wellness has become such an important pillar for even those who were asleep to the practice of self-care prior to the pandemic.

This shift in priorities has slowed life down and given us a chance to adjust where our energy flows. Here are our favorite ways to practice self-care this time of year:

1) Soak up the sun - when you can!

Even 15 minutes of sun exposure a day (without sunscreen!) is enough to meet your vitamin d needs, and in turn decrease multitudes of negative emotions - depression, anxiety, anger, frustration, and sadness. We were made to live in the light!

2) Walking in the woods - spend time surrounded by Mother Nature!

Plants and humans co-existing is a powerful and purposeful thing. Nature was meant to be our home, so whenever we can connect with our external environment it’s a chance to get back to our roots and ground down into the present moment.

3) Yoga

Better yet, bring the mat outside into the sun and it’s a win-win-win! Yoga has a multitude of benefits and as the warmer weather emerges it’s a great practice to revive your mind and body. If you’re looking for a chance to practice while in town, our

4) Play in the dirt

If you haven’t picked up on it yet, we are big advocates for connecting with the natural elements. Whether it’s walking barefoot in the park or gardening with your hands, it’s important we make contact with the Earth that holds us.

Try one or all of these ways to practice self-care this Spring! It’s important to care for ourselves through every season. We are here to help you do just that.

Christina Frazier