Eco-Friendly Self-Care

Eco-friendly isn’t just applicable to our trash chores. We can be eco-friendly when it comes to our self-care rituals too, and so we should be.

At our Sanctuary we incorporate eco-friendly products and rituals as much as we can to be conscious of our footprint. Our paraffin is an eco-friendly plant based alternative, our salts are natural and ethically sourced, and our products are only the purest, sourced from local small businesses whenever possible.

We find it important to be the change, because if not us, who?

Here are some great ways you can be conscious about your self-care at home so you can sit back and relax knowing you’re doing good for yourself as well as the planet we all call home.


1) Citrus Bath

A hot bath with sliced citrus fruits rich in vitamin C - lime, lemon, orange, grapefruit - will leave your skin smooth and elastic. Citrus fruits are also proven to uplift a mood that’s down, so hop in your tub for a relaxing and rejuvenating experience that is full of natural benefits and free of chemicals and toxins.

2) Homemade Face Mask

Mix honey, lemon, olive oil and tea tree essential oil for a DIY face mask. One of our favorites to add to a morning ritual, your skin will be left feeling angel soft and heavenly bright.

3) Eco-Friendly Hair Mask

Massage coconut oil from roots of hair down to ends and let rest for 1-8 hours. Shampoo to wash out and enjoy frizz free hair from just one of nature’s simple ingredients.

4) Walk it Out

A walk in nature may seem simple, because it is. There’s something to be said about self-care that requires nothing but you, a pair of shoes, and some fresh air. Be sure to leave your phone on silent and challenge yourself to be present.


5) Visit the Local Library

Instead of buying a book you’ll likely read once and then set on a shelf to collect dust, take yourself to your local library and choose a good read. And just think, you’re experiencing this story you’ve chosen just as so many others have, perhaps it will leave you feeling connected to everyone whose eyes have gone before yours.


So for everyone wondering how to practice self-care without the latest and greatest products we see pop up in our ads as we scroll, this is proof you can love on yourself from exactly where you are with exactly what you have, doing good for yourself and Mother Earth.

Sometimes the best things in life are the simplest. And just because something is simple doesn’t mean it is any less sweet.