More than a Mani

Written by Anna Rissberger


I’m not sure about you, but growing up I used to think that having my nails done at a spa was the most extra thing I had ever heard of. More than that, I had the belief that “people like me” didn’t do that type of thing. As if I wasn’t good enough to deserve such luxurious self-care.

Despite that strange and irrational belief, I always knew that painting my nails at home never turned out well and within a few days it looked like someone had taken sandpaper to my once polished look.

Fast forward to my first manicure and pedicure at age 16 for my first prom and I felt like a queen. Needless to say, it only took once to figure out what all the hype was about.

Now I am sure I’m not alone in my past doubts about the whole situation - someone else grooming my finger and toe nails? Please support with evidence why I should ever allow that to occur. Believe me, I hear you. But let me share a little research I’ve done for you to see that having your nails done is much more than the color you pick.

1) Look good feel great

I didn’t think of this one at first, but it’s so true. When you look down at your fingers while typing or working away and they’re as pretty as can be, or likewise your toes don’t look like trolls sticking out from your open toe shoes, there is a level of confidence to be gained there that I can’t quite put into words. When we feel good about how we look it lifts our morale, lifting the morale of others’ in our presence by default. So in reality getting your nails done is doing a favor for everyone, from your grocery check out clerk to your yoga instructor.

2) Back pain go away

Okay, another one that fascinates me…did you know a pedicure helps remove callouses and can actually alter the way you stand, ultimately improving your posture and reducing back pain. I’d take a spa day over ibuprofen any day.

3) Better blood circulation

In case you’re still deciding if you want to experience your first manicure, then let me tell you you also receive a little foot or hand massage that goes along with your pedicure or manicure. I had no idea this was an inclusion before my first experience, but that little component has the power to increase blood circulation and decrease joint pain and swelling in your hands and feet. Super cool, right?

4) Mental health is wealth

I live by 3 practices of self-care a day. This idea came from a book I read that had me write down a list of 20 things I love doing for myself - not things I should do - things I LOVE doing. I choose 3 items from that list each day and you betcha I’m a better wife, sister, daughter and friend for it. You can also bet that receiving a manicure and/or pedicure is on that list. It’s time for me and it indulges my desire to be pampered. Put a smile on your face and you’ll be spreading that happy positive energy to everyone around you.


5) Color me happy

Like I mentioned earlier, I can’t stand painting my nails at home and walking around like E.T. for 3 hours to only inevitably mess my nails up despite the 70 layers of base coat, polish and top coat I’ve applied before air drying, running under cold water and doing everything I can to make it stick. Nothing compares to professional application that lasts much longer than 24 hours and endures my hands on lifestyle.


So clearly there’s much more to the rituals of manicure and pedicure than is typically discussed, and this is only scratching the surface. Nevertheless, I hope this encourages you to take yourself (and a friend) on a date to have your nails done as we head into Spring time when bare hands and feet are coming back into the picture.

To check out the Foot Sanctuary’s manicure and pedicure menu items, click here.

Be confident, feel great. xo